MEP Interest Group

The TRANSFORM MEP Interest Group is an informal group, established in 2021, that brings together cross-party Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) who are committed to ensuring that innovative and life-changing therapies can timely reach all patients across Europe.

Why an MEP Interest Group on Transformative Therapies?

The European Parliament can play a key role in helping tackle the issues that prevent or delay access to treatments for patients by raising awareness and rethinking the current policy and legislative framework. MEPs can ensure that transformative therapies are considered as a priority in the European agenda, highlighting the potential that these novel therapies can offer to patients, resulting in better health outcomes as well as societal benefits. 

What are the main activities of the MEP Interest Group on Transformative Therapies?

The TRANSFORM MEP Interest Group hosts meetings to inform, educate and promote dialogue with decision-makers to shape the policy and legislative framework to accommodate these transformative therapies for the benefit of patients.  

The Charter of the 2019-2024 MEP Interest Group